Tabletop roleplaying games can now be automated thanks to the unidiced Fantasies app!
Players interest in TTRPGs has persisted for decades thanks to the games’ fantastic worlds, conflicts, and adventures. Storytelling is where tabletop RPGs really shine, yet it can be difficult due to the many calculations and value comparisons of the different rule sets. Thanks to the unidice, roleplaying games can be simplified without losing any of the excitement of rolling dice.
unidiced Fantasies is an app that handles all the arithmetic for you so you can concentrate and enjoy the story, the characters, and the experience as a whole. This article will talk about the ways in which unidiced Fantasies enhances the gaming experience.

What exactly is unidiced Fantasies and why is it the perfect tabletop RPG companion?
Character sheets and automated calculations and comparisons are just the beginning of what you can do with unidiced Fantasies, a software made with tabletop roleplaying games in mind - the ultimate Tabletop RPG Companion. If you want to save time by not having to enter formulas into a character sheet manually, you can get one from our database, which contains all character sheets shared by the community. You don’t have to worry about remembering the rules anymore because the app and unidice will do it for you.
Just how does unidiced Fantasies work?
unidiced Fantasies features digital character sheets that the user can either create or download. The data is used by the app, to determine the results of dice rolls, taking into account any additional customizations you have made or modifiers you provided.

unidice Fantasies for tabletop RPGs
Using unidiced Fantasies in your go-to role-playing games is a breeze. Download the app and fill your character sheet with all your character data. Then, tap a skill/talent/etc. on your smartphone, such as “Fireball,” and roll the unidice. The result of the roll will be displayed on the unidice together with a stylish backdrop that fits the test your character had to do. The unidice can be configured to either show the results of the dice rolls or the end result of the roll like the damage you deal. Your character sheets can be saved and reloaded at any time, allowing you to quickly switch between characters.
Create your own tabletop RPG character sheets
In unidiced Fantasies, you can make your own character sheet or get one from the game’s database. Building your own gives you an empty plane to decorate with frames. These can be filled with uploaded images, text, formula tables, or even sketches. Everything from skills and talents to spells and equipment can be added to your character sheet as you see fit. Change the font and background to match your TTRPG! You can share or keep your character sheet after creating it.

Advantages of unidiced Fantasies for tabletop RPG rulesets
SIMPLIFIED GAMEPLAY: unidiced Fantasies removes the need for complicated mental gymnastics by automating calculations and comparisons
EASY TO USE: Even if you have zero familiarity with TTRPGs or code, you can still get your own character sheet by downloading one that has already been prepared
CUSTOMIZABLE: The formulas and character sheets in unidiced Fantasies may be altered to suit your needs, making it a versatile software for a variety of RPGs and playstyles
A must have during the Kickstarter campaign
The unidice will be available for preorder on Kickstarter beginning March 16th. Here’s a chance for fans of tabletop roleplaying games to get their hands on this essential gear at a reduced price Backers can help bring the unidice to life and join the growing community of gamers who love this revolutionary gaming console.
If you’re interested check out Kickstarter.
Follow us there and get notified when we go live on March 16th 2023!