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Exciting unidice Updates: Final Touches, Manufacturing News, Foundry VTT Integration, and Sneak Peeks Await!

Hello, all!

We're buzzing with excitement to share the latest on the unidice development! As we get closer to the finish line, we're dotting our i's and crossing our t's to ensure everything is just as perfect. 

During our showcase at the convention in January, we uncovered a few sneaky bugs that need(ed) our attention, mostly concerning the hardware. Specifically, we identified an issue within the battery system where it prematurely indicates that the dice is fully charged. But fear not! We're currently fine-tuning the last bits of hardware and firmware to ensure accurate battery status reporting and overall performance.

With these tweaks, our next step will be to wrap up the SDKs for Android, iOS, and Unity, making it easier for developers to integrate unidice into their amazing projects. 

Sneak Peek Alert! We're super excited to share a preview of the unidice simulator. Get ready for a virtual experience that brings the unidice magic right to your screen - the perfect tool for every developer!

Once our SDKs are polished and ready to go, we're excited to announce that we will rebuild the Foundry VTT integration for the new hardware. This means the integration will be ready and waiting for you at release, just as we promised!

In other exciting news, we're in the final stages of discussions with some top-notch manufacturers to bring unidice to life. The wheels are in motion, and we're all hands on deck to ensure everything aligns perfectly for our planned release in July.

Sneak Peek Alert 2! 🕵️‍♂️ We're thrilled to give you a first look at the so much requested unidice bumper - a sleek silicone hull designed to snugly fit your unidice. This nifty accessory not only allows you to customize the colour of your dice but also makes it even bouncier for that extra bit of fun and also extra silence when eagerly rolling it across your wooden table. (underneath there is a black dice!)

unidice bumper

unidice bumper

Remember, we're always here to answer any questions you might have, so please don't hesitate to reach out to us or drop us a comment. Your curiosity fuels our progress, and we love hearing from you! 💌

Let's roll into the future together with unidice! 🚀

Stay awesome, 

Your unidice Team

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